My first inkling I should pursue music came on a hot summer day while sitting on my back porch in Round Rock, Texas with a dear friend.
It’d been a hectic day and my stress level was high. We sat down with our guitars and started plucking out “Blackbird” by the Beatles. After singing the first verse, my friend stopped playing and stared at me. Thinking I’d messed up…again...I stopped and asked “What?”
He looked at me a moment longer before saying, “You’ve completely transformed from 5 minutes ago. Your eyes are filled with joy, your body relaxed, you’re like a different person.” I'd been so focused on the music, I hadn’t noticed.
He continued, “If you’ve ever wondered what your passion is – this is it.
That was several years ago, but I never forgot his words. Although I’d been playing piano since I was 5, clarinet since I was 10, and guitar since I was 18, the same time I started writing songs, it just never occurred to me to make a career out of music. So I spent a very long time in corporate America.
Now at this late stage of life, I’m finally dusting off all my compositions, writing new stuff and with the help of some awesome and incredibly talented people, I’m able to share my music with the world. May the music and songs give you as much joy as they give me. Enjoy!